how do I put a message board on my site?


I Download <!--more-->ed yabb and i'm wondering how to put it on my site. I haven't looked it too much, but I also didn't see any tutorials'. Any help would be appreciated.<!--content-->Do you have your own webserver or access to serverside scripting and a database on your "website" account?<br />
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If not you will have to find an online free (with adds) forum host.<!--content-->Isn't yabb free?<!--content-->Originally posted by gokou <br />
Isn't yabb free? <br />
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You tell me (you did read the webpage you Download <!--more-->ed it from I hope).<br />
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But you still need a WEBSERVER that will run the software for you.<!--content-->Yes, it's free. I need to learn data base stuff cause all this is confusing. I was starting to read a tutorial, but I needed to do something with my internet provider and I don't have the username/password. Back when I created it, I didn't think it was important....<!--content-->I use a free guestbook from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. You can modify the look of the guestbook to match your site. You have to put up with adds (not too intrusive) with the free version, or pay for the add-free version.<!--content-->