How do i publish my Website?


Hi everyone, this may sound like a stupid question but I am new at using HTML and am trying to learn as quickly as possible. I made a HTML code using notepad and saved it as an .htm file. When I click that file it opens up in internet explorer and everything works fine. The only problem is that it says the url is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="c://DoucmentsandSettings/..">c://DoucmentsandSettings/..</a><!-- m -->. />
How do i publish this HTML code i made onto the Internet where other people can view it(such as an <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)? If possible i really do not wanna spend any money publishing it to the web. Is this possible? <br />
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Also I have used freewebhosting places in the past such as and which practically make the websites for you. You cant do as much with these sites. But now i wanna beable to write the html code myself using notepad.<!--content-->do a search for "free wed host"<br />
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or be cool and spend 3 dollars a month for a shared server<!--content-->Isnt there a way i can publish my website free using aol or something. I think a few years ago i did that some how but its been so long i cant remember. I dont wanna spend any money on my site because all its going to be for is for me to show my friends animations that i made using flash, and anyone else that wants to see.<br />
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Oh, Also, ive tried doing a serch "free web host" and some say they are free and when i sign up they arnt and some say they are free to host but u need a domain name so they can host it. And the domain names cost money dont they? I just wanna small website i dont care if its less that 10MB. I just wanna be able to put my animation on it.<!--content-->One popular free server is Yahoo!'s Geocities, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, sign up, go to the file manager and upload your HTML files, shouldn't be too hard...<!--content-->Most hosts let you upload using an FTP program as standard. Search Google for one of those. There are hundreds to choose from, such as FTP Explorer and WS_FTP etc.<br />
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Geocities has a web-based upload manager which is not as versatile (you have to pay for FTP access).<!--content--> great place for what you need. Plus has guestbook, web counter, and forum code for you use right at the site. Thats all for FREE. Get even more for like 4.95 a month.<!--content-->you should either run a server or pay for hosting.<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> is good<!--content-->Thank you for all the replys. It's helping a lot.<!--content-->