How do I Post update E-mails containing informatio


New Member
Hi,<BR><BR>What I want to do is after somebody joins my site, I would like to send them a listing once a week of any new details they are interested in. I ask them for their email name and password to begin with when they sign on and they input a city name they are interested in. One week later they are to be posted an E-mail saying something like they are '23' new vancanies in your selected city 'Manchester' this week.<BR><BR>These password details are stored in one access database say 'password.mdb' and the vacancy details are stored in say 'vacancy.mdb' each contain city fields, and the vacancy and password also have the user time stamp field e.g. when it was submitted.<BR><BR>Is there a way to do this, if so how would i do it. Do I use something like an asp script using the CDONTS or is there a script that I should look at elsewhere. Perhaps, a program. I don't know, please help!<BR><BR>Thanks again.<BR><BR>Mazza.To send an email through an ASP.NET Web page, you use the SmtpServer and MailMessage classes. See:<BR><BR><BR>If you are wanting to send an email from a _classic_ ASP page, you should have posted this query in an appropriate forum! :) See