How do I positon three divs(one vertical and two horizontal) inside of another div?


New Member
I have three div layers inside of another larger one. Something like this:
Lets say the blue sections are the header and footer. What I currently have is the the green next to the top yellow div, but the bottom of the green div pushes the second yellow div down. I essentially have two divs next to each other then one div below both of them, but I want something more closely resembling the picture. What might I be missing that could put the green div next to both of the yellow ones?I would post code exactly because there is a lot in each div, but I have something like:\[code\]<div class="container" ><div id="greenDiv" style="float:right; padding-right:5%; padding-top:15px;"></div><div id="topYellow" style="dsiplay:block;"> <-- Content --></div><div id="bottomYellow" style="dsiplay:block; float:left;"> <-- Content --></div>\[/code\]What exactly do I need to do to keep the green div from pushing the bottom yellow one down? Any help would be greatly appreciated!