How do I popup a frameless window?


Can someone tell me how to popup a frameless window?<br />
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OK! So it's the simplest thing in the world.<br />
I've tried getting the code form other websites where you get a popup window... and I've tried looking through the source code on everything seems to be too confusing...!<br />
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All I want to do is pop up a window of a fixed size with no borders!<br />
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How do I do this?<br />
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Thanks.<br />
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Jam<!--content--><head><br />
<script type="text/javascript"> <br />
function openwindow(url){<br />,'newWin','width=500,height=300,left=20,top=20,toolbar=No,location=No,scrol lbars=no,status=No,resizable=no,fullscreen=No'); NewWindow.focus(); void(0); }<br />
</script><br />
</head><br />
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<a href="website" onclick="openwindow(this.href); return false;">Link</a><br />
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That is it.<br />
For any features you want, change from "no" to "yes" in the script. And the width aand height to the size you want the window to be.<br />
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Chance :website to the location you want the link to take you, and the work "link" to the word you want the people to see and click on to take them to your new site.<!--content-->Thanks for that - just what I needed. :)<br />
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WHat does the void(0) do?<br />
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And I'm not sure what you mean by:<br />
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'Chance :website to the location you want the link to take you, and the work "link" to the word you want the people to see and click on to take them to your new site.'<br />
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Please explain.<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->I should reread my posts before submitting.<br />
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Change the word Website to ""<br />
And the word link to the word you want people to click on<br />
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Example:<br />
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The word I click (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=17181</a><!-- m -->) on.<br />
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In this case the word is "click"<br />
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The word "void" is not directly relevant in your case, this is a general script for a pop up, you turn things on or off as you need them. Either by changing to "yes", or to "1".<br />
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In truth you could delete them, but like I said, there is no harm in leaving them, as long as they are off. And it is good practice because you can always call the same script for something else when ever you want in your page which might need those feature. But if they are deleted rather than turned off, you have to right a whole new script for that new application.<br />
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Hope this clear thing up.<!--content-->i wasnt going to point out that mistake, i was waiting for you to pick it, new you would, im the same dont read before posting lol<!--content-->Is it possible to open a 'completely frameless' popup window containing an image ie. without even the titlebar.<br />
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So far, the only way I have found to do this is with what seem to be called 'tooltips'. But the tooltips require a lot of code, including three extra js pages, and becomes a bit complicated if you want to use it in several places on one page.<br />
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Does anyone know of a relatively simple way for me to have frameless images popup onclick and automatically close onmouseoff?<br />
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Cheers,<br />
Steve<!--content-->It is NOT possible to remove the title bar as that is part of the window as defined by the operating system. To open a window without a titlebar you need to run the code on an operating system that uses windows without titlebars.<!--content-->I've found just the thing I need, and can't understand why nobody pointed me towards this type of thing in the first place.<br />
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See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... m#Download</a><!-- m --> <!--more--><br />
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Cheers,<br />
Steve<!--content-->Because that wasn't what you were asking about. You were asking about popup windows not about tooltips. They are two completely different things and we can't read your mind to realize that you asked about the wrong thing and really meant something else.<!--content-->Thanks. I thought I was quite clear.<br />
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Is it possible to open a 'completely frameless' popup window containing an image ie. without even the titlebar.<br />
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So far, the only way I have found to do this is with what seem to be called 'tooltips'.<!--content-->