How do I package my joomla 2.5 component with a plugin?


New Member
I'm still learning joomla and I was wondering how do you install a plugin with a component in the pkg_youcomponent.xml installation file. I've noticed with Joomla
or higher it is possible to use the \[code\]folder="packages"\[/code\] attribute on \[code\]files\[/code\].I'm trying to package the Rocket Theme RokBox Plugin with my component. But I'm not having much luck.Here is a zip preview of pkg_autobase.
And here the package script based off this.\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><extension type="package" version="1.6"><name>Autobase</name><author>Michael Jones</author><creationDate>May 2012</creationDate><packagename>autobase</packagename><version>1.0.0</version><url></url><packager>Michael Jones</packager><packagerurl></packagerurl><description>Package installer for AutoBase and RokBox Gallery Manager</description><update></update><files folder="packages"> <file type="component" id="autobase" ></file> <file type="plugin" id="rokbox" group="system"></file></files></extension>\[/code\]Now the thing I'm unsure about is.. the joomla 2.5 extension manager reports the error \[code\] Install path does not exist Package Install: There was an error installing an extension:\[/code\]But as far as I know I've packaged everything up correctly (both \[code\]component\[/code\] and \[code\]plugin\[/code\] install fine individually). Thus I'm wondering how do you correctly package a component?