How do I make this work in Netscape?


I'm not sure if this is a HTML or JavaScript issue. I have a house floor plan with clickable areas that open a window displaying a photo of the room. The following code works great with IE 6, but not at all with Netscape 7. <br />
<br />
<area alt="Interior view of Bedroom #3" shape="poly" coords="484,97,484,123,513,123,513,95,500,80" <br />
<A onclick="DisplayExternal('BED3',300,475)"<br />
href="../Photos_Interior/cumberland_interior_bed_3.html"<br />
target="BED3"><br />
<br />
What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any suggestions.<!--content-->Originally posted by rlovell <br />
<area alt="Interior view of Bedroom #3" shape="poly" coords="484,97,484,123,513,123,513,95,500,80" <br />
<A onclick="DisplayExternal('BED3',300,475)"<br />
href="../Photos_Interior/cumberland_interior_bed_3.html"<br />
target="BED3"><br />
Get rid of the red part.<!--content-->Also, that alt-text of yours looks very much like it's actually a title-text.<br />
<br />
Ask yourself, if you don't see the image, does the alt-text really provide a full alternative in text?<br />
<br />
If it's only there to add an extra description to the image, you should use title, not alt.<!--content-->