How do I make the mouse pointer change when over a form button?


Hi, I recently found that you could use CSS to alter the mouse pointer and I am creating a quiz with a form button that shows you the answer when you click on it.
My question is simple How do I use CSS to make the mouse pointer change to a ? when you hover over the form button?

I have created the code which I thought should work BUT it only shows the ? cursor when you hover over the right side area of the button.

What am I doing wrong?

Here is my code (that is only showing the ? to the right of the button) :

<span style="cursor:help">
<input type="button" value="Give me the Answer" onclick="'answers/answer_001.htm', 'win1','top=220,left=120,width=400,height=300,status,scrollbars')">

When you click the button it uses javascript to open a answer window. Everthing works fine apart from the mouse pointer issue.

Any ideas please ?
Thanks in advance
<input style="cursor:help" type="button" value="Give me the Answer" onclick="'answers/answer_001.htm', 'win1','top=220,left=120,width=400,height=300,status,scrollbars')">
</form>Put the style in the input tag. Wrapping a form with a span is not valid...because a span is an 'inline' element while a form is a 'block' elementThanks you two, Problem solved !!!;)