HOW do i make portal look like forums?


New Member
I thought that vbadvanced inherits styles from vbulletin..

Well.. from past 2 days, i cant get my portal to look like my forum. I installed a style from vbstyles, and all i have in the portal is black bagrounds.
All the modules have back backgrounds, and their is no header also. Header is very much der in forums but on portal page it goes.
I am totally confused what to do. All my path settings are absolutely correct.

Is there any way that a newbie like me can edit something and make portal look like forums?
I also checked the page source of my portal page, it shows all the correct links at correct places, but why dont the images and the header show up ????

OR can we conclude, if we use vbadvanced we should not use custom styles?
1well trying reinstalling the images and while installing i you see a red block try correcting the path to your images ,

2 go to acp /Styles & Templates/your template set/ in drop down click stylevars , and thn scroll down to image path section change it and you are done ,

correct the path . or post the path written over there in this post along with the actual path to your header image ..
Dude i said all the paths are correct in 'stylevars'. As i mentioned i can see all the backround images and header in the forums, ONLY IN THE PORTAL i am not able to see background images of modules and the header.

i need a programming geek to find out the problem this time.. such weird problem..
well i had the same problem once like in forum i was able to see the header and footer plus some buttons but when viewing the portal page these image were not showing and i took the sytle option and corrected the paths , i am sure this is all because of the template you are using, like some costum tamplates dont have the default folder struction as per VB and in there css the paths are defined in different way though those styles work perfectly but , cMs like vB advance search for the default structure in the image directory , resulting in image path mismatch..

so see if your images are structured as default if yes then i agree you need some programing other wise you need to correct the image path according to style folder you are using