How do I make my site...


How do I make it update if I am online with my MSN or ICQ?<!--content-->pls be clear as what u want.<!--content-->I use MSN and ICQ messengers. I am trying to get it where if I am online with one of them that it will show on my page without me having to go in and manually do this. Is there a code for this???<!--content-->Check the documentation available on ICQ's and MSN's webpages...<!--content-->I am not even sure how to go about looking this up any clues?<!--content-->Ok this is getting reather annoying. I have looked all over the place on the ICQ and MSN sites that I can think of look but can not find anything on how to do this. If someone knows how I would really like it if you aid me in this.<!--content-->Come on! :eek: <br />
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There are two menus at the top of <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> . Rightmost on the second grey one it reads "ICQ Panels". Click there. :(<!--content-->Thanks a million! I would have never had notice that. When I saw panel I thought it meant the look of the icq winamp has skins. Thank you so much!<!--content-->Also,<br />
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You can do that with Yahoo! messenger<br />
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