How do I make a web page compatible with different screen resolutions?


Staff member
Can someone tell me how I can make my webpages compatible with different resolutions?<br />
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I've seen many websites that have spaces around their content. So that when users with a 800 x 600 screen see the whole thing without spaces.<br />
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What are the recommended dimensions of the above? <br />
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BUT... also... I've seen other websites, where on a 1024 x 768 screen... the webpage takes up the whole screen... but... when you switch to a 800 x 600 it's still OK!<br />
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How do I do the above? <br />
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Any help would be appreciated.<br />
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Thanks.<br />
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Jam<!--content-->You let the site fit whatever browser space is given to it (within reason).<br />
Use em/ex to specify dimentions of text blocks.<br />
Set up min/max width for text elements to prevent them from going to extremes.<br />
Make sure that your graphics allow the scaling.<!--content-->Originally posted by Vladdy <br />
You let the site fit whatever browser space is given to it (within reason).<br />
Use em/ex to specify dimentions of text blocks.<br />
Set up min/max width for text elements to prevent them from going to extremes.<br />
Make sure that your graphics allow the scaling. It is also a good idea to either position things off of the sides of the site with css using top bottom left right or margin-left margin-right ..., or using floats float:right; float:left;. If you are using a table based layout you will need to use %s for widths.<!--content-->Hola,<br />
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It depends on your site and design but here's a few thoughts.<br />
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Using percenteges over fixed widths will fill in that white space. This is called a fluid or liquid design.<br />
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However, chose a layout that fits the scope of your site. For example, if the site is primarily content (like this site) than a fluid design works well. However, if the site has fixed creative or content elements, a fixed width may work better ( There's always an exception to the rule.<br />
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My personal experience is that fluid design are harder to design and code to from a creative perspective. I believe they are complex.<br />
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My appraoch to the fluid design is somewhat of a hybrid. I typically use fixed width on the creative and navigation areas. and then the content areas are fluid or set at 100%. For example a typical "L" site w/ a header, left nav, content.<!--content-->Originally posted by RedWingsSux <br />
Hola,<br />
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It depends on your site and design but here's a few thoughts.<br />
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Using percenteges over fixed widths will fill in that white space. This is called a fluid or liquid design.<br />
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However, chose a layout that fits the scope of your site. For example, if the site is primarily content (like this site) than a fluid design works well. However, if the site has fixed creative or content elements, a fixed width may work better ( There's always an exception to the rule.<br />
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My personal experience is that fluid design are harder to design and code to from a creative perspective. I believe they are complex.<br />
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My appraoch to the fluid design is somewhat of a hybrid. I typically use fixed width on the creative and navigation areas. and then the content areas are fluid or set at 100%. For example a typical "L" site w/ a header, left nav, content. %s is only a good idea for a table based layout, like I mentioned. If you use css it is better to have a fluid center and position the menus off of the sides.<!--content-->