How do I make a Menu appear??


Hi!<br />
<br />
I just wanted to ask how you can make a menu of links appear when you point your cursor at a picture or a link?<br />
<br />
Thank you very much!<!--content--><HTML><br />
<!-- cross-browser link display dynamically from mouseover a link<br />
--> <br />
<STYLE> <br />
.EVNTcls {visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:100;left:250} <br />
a:hover {color:white;background-color:blue} /* Netscrap will ignore this */<br />
</STYLE> <br />
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <br />
<!--<br />
var ACTIVElist=false;<br />
// browser detection using DOM detection:<br />
<br />
if (document.getElementById)<br />
{<br />
var LoLev=false;<br />
var HiLev=true;<br />
var IE5=(document.all) ? true : false;<br />
var NS6=(!document.all) ? true : false;<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
var HiLev=false;<br />
var LoLev=true;<br />
var IE4=(document.all) ? true : false;<br />
var NS4=(document.layers) ? true : false;<br />
}<br />
<br />
function ShowBlock(EL)<br />
{<br />
if (NS4)<br />
{<br />
ACTIVElist=document.layers[EL];<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
if (IE4)<br />
{<br />
ACTIVElist=document.all[EL].style;<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
if (HiLev)<br />
{<br />
ACTIVElist=document.getElementById(EL).style;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
}<br />
ACTIVElist.visibility="visible";<br />
}<br />
//--><br />
</SCRIPT><br />
</HEAD> <br />
<!-- the onLoad event triggers the browser detection <br />
so we don't have to deal with it all over the place<br />
--><br />
<br />
<BODY> <br />
<br />
<DIV ID="linklst" STYLE=position:absolute;left:40;top:100"> <br />
<A HREF="blah1.htm" onMouseOver="ShowBlock('id1')" <br />
onMouseOut="ACTIVElist.visibility='hidden'"> blah1 <br />
</A><BR><BR><br />
<A HREF="blah2.htm" onMouseOver="ShowBlock('id2')" <br />
onMouseOut="ACTIVElist.visibility='hidden'"> blah2<br />
</A><BR><BR><br />
<A HREF="blah3.htm" onMouseOver="ShowBlock('id3')" <br />
onMouseOut="ACTIVElist.visibility='hidden'"> blah3<br />
</A><BR><BR><br />
<A HREF="redirect_back.htm" onMouseOver="ShowBlock('id4')" <br />
onMouseOut="ACTIVElist.visibility='hidden'"> blah4 <br />
</A><BR><BR><br />
</DIV> <br />
<DIV ID="id1" CLASS="EVNTcls" <br />
STYLE="position:absolute;left:250;top:100"> <br />
<a href=""><br />
JULY 15TH EVENTS<BR> </a><br />
<a href=""><br />
1st event for July 15<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
another event for July 15th<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
etc </a><br />
</DIV> <br />
<!-- each list in in its own layer with only one visibile at a time<br />
--><br />
<DIV ID="id2" CLASS="EVNTcls" <br />
STYLE="position:absolute;left:250;top:100"> <br />
<a href=""><br />
JULY 16TH EVENTS<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
1st event for July 16<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
another event for July 16th<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
etc </a><br />
</DIV> <br />
<DIV ID="id3" CLASS="EVNTcls" <br />
STYLE="position:absolute;left:250;top:100"> <br />
<a href=""><br />
JULY 17TH EVENTS<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
1st event for July 17<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
another event for July 17th<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
etc<BR></a> <br />
<a href=""><br />
etc ;)<BR></a> <br />
<a href=""><br />
etc [:)<BR></a> <br />
<a href=""><br />
etc {:x)<BR></a> <br />
<a href=""><br />
etc :=)<BR></a> <br />
<a href=""><br />
etc B}<BR></a> <br />
</DIV> <br />
<DIV ID="id4" CLASS="EVNTcls" <br />
STYLE="position:absolute;left:250;top:100"> <br />
<a href=""><br />
JULY 18TH EVENTS<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
1st event for July 18<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
another event for July 18th<BR></a><br />
<a href=""><br />
etc </a><br />
</DIV> <br />
</BODY> <br />
</HTML><!--content-->or just say abracadabra!<!--content-->It would have to be magic spells for that<br />
<br />
htmlgirl.........<!--content-->Originally posted by maivia316 <br />
Hi!<br />
<br />
I just wanted to ask how you can make a menu of links appear when you point your cursor at a picture or a link?<br />
<br />
Thank you very much! Go here and click the link that says "Popup Menu": <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->No offense Mark, but using a mousemove event like that generates an awful lot of overhead for a pretty simple effect.<!--content-->