How do I link to a new frame with geocities ?

Hi everyone, Luke I Amyofatha here a newbie in Australia<br />
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I have what is probably a simple question for those that know HTML, but its not simple to me !<br />
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I have a page with geocities and have used java applet hover buttons for links but had 2 major problems. One was that the page took forever to load, the second was that I wanted links to open in a new frame.<br />
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So I changed the applet to a html form, the problem is that while the link does open in a new window, the main window reloads to an error page from geocities saying that I cant do what I am doing.<br />
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I wonder if its just the way Im doing it or if geocities simply doesnt allow URL's to open in a new frame ?<br />
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Would appreciate any help, URL below to show you what I mean, scroll down to first form and click.<br />
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Thanks<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ngoing.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->hey Amyofatha and welcome to the forum.<br />
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If u were talking abt the buttons like 'Lukes Passport; then follow this step and hopefully it should work out fine. <br />
In your source you have defined the method of the form as POST. Change that to GET for all buttons<br />
<br />
example: Lukes Passport <br />
<br />
<form ACTION METHOD="POST"<br />
onsubmit="'')"><br />
<p><input TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="b" VALUE="Lukes Passport"> </p><br />
</form><br />
<br />
Now change this to:<br />
<br />
<form ACTION METHOD="GET"<br />
onsubmit="'')"><br />
<p><input TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="b" VALUE="Lukes Passport"> </p><br />
</form><br />
<br />
<br />
Hope that helped<!--content-->Thanks for your reply, I am going to try that.<br />
I suppose I also should have explained what the URL was all about !!! Its about 419 advance fee fraud. I bait the scammers to waste their time.<br />
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And thanks for the welcome to this board<br />
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Luke I Amyofatha<br />
(Neil Australia)<!--content-->The suggestion to change POST to GET works fine however, now when you click the link a new window opens but the first page refreshes and goes back to the top, losing your place !!!<br />
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Can this be fixed ?<!--content-->Add this argument to your <form> tag:<br />
<br />
<form onsubmit="return false;"><!--content-->ok, Im adding the argument as suggested but unless Im putting it in wrong, its not working at all.<br />
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where in the following would the new argument go ?<form ACTION METHOD="GET"<br />
onsubmit="'')"><br />
<p><input TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="b" VALUE="Adoption Paper"> </p><br />
</form><br />
<br />
I have tried evrything I can think of but then again, I dont know HTML at all, am just playing with it trying to learn a little.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->Oh sorry, I didn't notice that you already had an onsubmit argument. It should then be added like this:<br />
<br />
<form action="about:blank" method="get" onsubmit="''); return false;"><br />
<p><input TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="b" VALUE="Adoption Paper"> </p><br />
</form><br />
<br />
(I also added a value to "action"). Hope this helps.<!--content-->