how do I hide email addresses?


Staff member
Not sure if this is the right "room" for this...<br />
A LONG time ago I read in a magazine (thought it was web techniques, but i think it was before it was born) wherein the author either had a site (that converted an email) or gave the code for how to hide the email addresses from a robot. the email address had to be a "click here" kind of link (rather than displaying the actual address) and the HTML code was filled with extra characters so if a robot tried to use it (as is), it wouldn't work. I don't think it was js but I can't remember where I found that or how it worked.<br />
Help please! We want to post an email address for our customers to use (for support) but do not want robots to spam it.<br />
TIA,<br />
Shelly<!--content-->Hi Shelly,<br />
<br />
I remember something like that but couldn't tell you who,what,when,where,how. :)<br />
<br />
but I would bet you would be better off if you made a contact page that would send the email using serverside language and have your email a variable in that code. I don't think the robots can get that, especially if you block off the cgi-bin or some other folder from the robots.<!--content-->This may help? A similar discussion...<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=49254</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Hi Shelly, <br />
<br />
This JS should do it:<br />
<br />
<br />
<script language="Javascript"> <br />
<!-- <br />
//this simple script by <br />
//please leave credit and instructions intact <br />
//simply enter your emailname and emailserver below <br />
//and copy and paste to entire script where you want it to show. <br />
emailname = "webmaster" <br />
emailserver = "" <br />
//change the font face, color and size below <br />
document.write("<font face='Arial,Helvetica' size=-1>"); <br />
document.write("<a href='" + emailname + "@" + emailserver + "'>"); <br />
document.write("<font color='ff0000'>"); <br />
document.write(emailname + "@" + emailserver); <br />
document.write("</a>"); <br />
document.write("</font>"); <br />
//--> <br />
</script> <br />
<br />
<br />
It's a little more foolproof then the other method mentioned.<!--content-->THANK YOU HTMLITE!!<br />
<br />
Here it is for those of you looking for it (this is from the linked post above)<br />
<br />
<br />
%40 is the URL encoded version of the @ symbol.... so: <br />
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> is the same as <br /><br />
<br />
<br />
And it works too! :)<br />
(thank you jason too - i found that js earlier - but am happy to find the html above!)<!--content-->Can't the robots simply be programmed to look for %40 instead of @? Do they look at the resultant page you and me see, or do they look at the HTML code that makes up webpages?<br />
<br />
Is there not some kind of META tag ... oh, no, wait, the entire problem with spam "harvesters", is that they want your email no matter what. So even if I was right about said tag, such people would ignore it.. Sigh. :(<!--content-->I discovered a better way & here's a page you can go to encode your email addresses:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
as far as i know - the spam-bots aren't sophistcated enough (yet) to translate these!<!--content-->You can protect them by writing them like this: <br />
<br />
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <br />
<!-- <br />
var addr1 = "mailto:" <br />
var addr2 = "KWJams" <br />
var addr3 = "@" <br />
var addr4 = "" <br />
document.write('<A HREF="' + addr1 + addr2 + addr3 + addr4 + '">') <br />
document.write('<img SRC="email.gif"></A></TD></TR></TABLE>!</A>') <br />
//--> <br />
</SCRIPT> <br />
<br />
Instead of like this: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> (not real addy)<!--content-->i've attached a small perl script that you can use to solve your problem. It's pretty much the same thing as the Java script that people posted, but instead it's perl :) (some people just prefer to not use javascripting)<!--content-->