I have a .column class element that is sortable.I have two id's in that column:\[code\]<div id="column1" class="column ui-sortable"><div id="column2" class="column ui-sortable">\[/code\]I want there to be an open hand when moused over and a closed hand when dragged ONLY on column1.If my CSS looks like this:\[code\].ui-sortable{ cursor: grab; cursor:-webkit-grab; cursor:-moz-grab; cursor: url(https://mail.google.com/mail/images/2/openhand.cur), default !important;}#column1 .ui-sortable-helper{ cursor: grabbing; cursor:-webkit-grabbing; cursor:-moz-grabbing; cursor: url(https://mail.google.com/mail/images/2/closedhand.cur), default !important;}\[/code\]then the open hand shows on column1 and column2 and the closed hand shows on column1 being dragged. But since I only want an open hand on column1, I tried:\[code\]#column1 .ui-sortable{ cursor: grab; cursor:-webkit-grab; cursor:-moz-grab; cursor: url(https://mail.google.com/mail/images/2/openhand.cur), default !important;}\[/code\]But this does nothing to column1. I get a default cursor. Why does adding the id work on .ui-sortable-helper, but not ui-sortable? How do I get the open hand to show up only on column1?Thank you!