I am developing a website in PHP and one thing is annoying me a lot. There is a lot of white space before beginning of the webpage at \[code\]<!DOCTYPE html>\[/code\]. Have a look at the screenshot of source code of my webpage and google's home page :
This is really annoying. I don't know what makes those lines jump down to line-6 when it should be at line-1.The source code of my webpage is - \[code\]<?phpheader('Content-Type: text/html');require_once 'core.php';$index=new Index();$index->run('home', array('file.js', 'script.js', 'main.js'), array('style.css'));?><!DOCTYPE html><!-- rest of the DOM here -->\[/code\]I think there must be some \[code\]echo\[/code\] thing in \[code\]core.php\[/code\] that is printing some white space but it is not so. There no \[code\]echo\[/code\]ing before \[code\]<!DOCTYPE html>\[/code\].What is happening? Please help me out.