How do I get google to list more then the homepage?


New Member
I got my website listed on google (don't have much content, just the layout so far) but google only has the main url ( ) listed, if you search for any sentances in quotations, or type the url in for any other part of the site you get no results.How do I get the other pages on google as well?cute web it a new site? if new, you gotto wait a while more for google to index yr other pages....if its an old site get more back links.Google will index frames but consider a no frames tag or better still replace frames with very simple server side includes.You should add some text to the opening page and include some text links to internal pages.I looks like you registered your domain in Nov 2004....when did you first post pages to the site?You could also add an alt tag to your image so that the link it provides has some meaning.Can somone explain how I can have 'tables'/directories etc. on the top/left hand side like I do now, only without using frames? I was going to put a link to every page on every page so googlebot could crawl it... but that wouldn't make too much sense Frames was the only way I knew how to do it.any help would be appreciated thanksSome else had this same question a few months back. I posted an example using asp. You can see it here and download the source code. your server supports asp you can keep your html file intact and just change it's name to yourfilename.asp and insert the include statement. If your server doesn't support asp I think you can do the same with a .shtml file.....let me search for the old thread.....Here's the old thread on using an include file: doesn't really explain how to integrate the include file into the html. But it give valid reasons on why to use it vs frames. In the means time figure out what languages your server supports and I will start a new thread tomorrow...must get some sleep Fine post! Not everyone has classic asp but most webservers come with php. For php simply replace the ASP include with: <?php include("menu.htm") ?>(and rename the file extention)Alrighty I've tried every variation of the include tag I could think of 'including' changing the file names to html, shtml, asp, php etc, can't get it to work (sometimes I get an error, somtimes it does nothing). What I can do, though, is instead of including the file, just type out the html coding in the index, rather then typing the include tag.Also, when using the table code you gave me (thanks ) is it possible to assign names to the different sections, so that I can give links that name target and have it open in that section? Thanks.Here's a simple example that actually shows you where everything goes....this would be in asp but the format of the file is the same with the exception of the include statement....that would be based on the language you are using, asp, php, cfm, etc...This is the code for the asp pageCode: [ Select ]What