How do I freeze the background using HTML?


How do I freeze the background of a page using HTML? I know that this tag exists, but I just can't find it. I found the javascript version at a1javascripts, but that is not what I need. I need it in HTML so that browsers that are not javascript enabled can do it. Thank you for your time!<!--content-->Well this is the wrong forum, but I'll give you the code anyway:<br />
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<BODY BACKGROUND="backgroundimage.jpg" BGPROPERTIES=FIXED> <br />
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This is the simplest way to do it, but you could also use stle sheets:<br />
<br />
<STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <br />
BODY { background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:fixed; <br />
background-position:left top;background-image:url(backgroundimage.jpg) } <br />
</STYLE> <br />
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(The <STYLE></STYLE> tags go inside the <HEAD></HEAD> tags)<!--content-->It won't work in anything but Internet Explorer though.<br />
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Spek<!--content-->Netscape is about done for anyway. Hardly anybody uses it anymore.<!--content-->Is that right? I know it is only a small percentage that use Netscape but on a worldwide scale that's still a lot of people! ;)<!--content-->A large fraction of internet users use Netscape - so it should not be forgotten about...not just yet, anyway.<br />
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The number of Netscape users is declining each day..<!--content-->original;ly posted by markman<br />
Netscape is about done for anyway. Hardly anybody uses it anymore<br />
think again....<br />
this is my sites log after 6 months of hits. look at NS (mozilla)<br />
<br />
Version Hits Percent <br />
Mozilla/1.xx <br />
Mozilla/2.xx 65 0.5 % <br />
Mozilla/3.xx 495 4.1 % <br />
Mozilla/4.xx 11301 94.3 % <br />
Mozilla/5.xx 120 1 % <br />
<br />
MS Internet Explorer versions<br />
<br />
Version Hits Percent <br />
MSIE/1.xx <br />
MSIE/2.xx 30 0 % <br />
MSIE/3.xx 291 0.4 % <br />
MSIE/4.xx 4181 6.5 % <br />
MSIE/5.xx 58956 92.5 % <br />
MSIE/6.xx<!--content-->Scoutt - That says 15% of the visitors were Netscape. Is the fixed background so important that you care if only 15% of the users see the background move.<br />
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Also, is your site a site that might have more Netscape visitors than normal?<!--content-->I'm in an area that was heavily saturated with Netscape. Many of the local ISP's and the local Cable modem people were defaulting to Netscape. Yet only 12-15% of my visitors on a local interest site are Netscape users.<!--content-->no, my site is geared to both of them. I was only showing it as an example as I get a good portion of netscape users to my site. and I was just stating that netscape is not on it's way out and people still use it quite a bit. I love NS, but I don't like how it doesn't support half the code IE does. <br />
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As far as the background moving in netscape, who cares. I did the same thing when I first started out. my site doesn't work very well in netscape but it gets the information across. so my menu does't change color on mouseover like in IE.<!--content-->Originally posted by spektrum <br />
It won't work in anything but Internet Explorer though.<br />
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Spek <br />
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What won't work in anything but IE?<br />
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Netscape 6 supports all of CSS background properties.<br />
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background=fixed is proprietary to IE/AOL.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->I think he means it won't work in NS4.x, which is true.<!--content-->hehehe.... I'm not psychic... don't like to say what I think a person was thinking.... ;)<br />
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I believe the best bet now for backgrounds is to go entirely with CSS specs. NN4 supports the background-color property so you can declare a bgcolor and declare all the rest of the properties to look good in N6 and IE4+. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->I did mean it won't work in NS 4x, which is the *lowest* browser I check on.<br />
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