I was doing something with redirecting and return urls and I notice something funky. I ran this line of code in visual studios immediate window.\[code\]Uri.EscapeUriString("/z?x=y&w="+Uri.EscapeUriString("/a?b=c&d=e"))"/z?x=y&w=/a?b=c&d=e"\[/code\]Ok this looks like the wrong escape. How on earth is my app suppose to know if d is part of the query string or part of the string meant for the url i want to redirect to later. So I tried UnescapeDataString and googled it just in case.\[code\]Uri.UnescapeDataString(Uri.EscapeDataString("a b+c"))"a b+c"\[/code\]It turns out I shouldnt use it becasue it doesnt decode '+' into space like it should\[code\]Uri.UnescapeDataString("ab+c")"ab+c"\[/code\]If UnescapeDataString and EscapeUriString are both not right then how the heck am I suppose to escape uri's?