How do I do this???


check this site out please. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I want my layout to be similiar to this site.<br />
I will have pulldown menus on the left. <br />
Do I have to design it in Photoshop first then crop each image and place it in a table??? I was told that some sites are done this way. I'm new to Photoshop...and I'm running on a 1280 x 1024 there a way I can design my site for 800 x 600 or do I have to change my display properties???<!--content-->Hi Kieto,<br />
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For a graphical design like the one you link to in your post, the easiest thing would be to lay it out in PhotoShop then slice the image up and use table code to reassemble it. PhotoShop comes with ImageReady which is a program you can use to do the image slicing with. It will create the HTML code for you when you slice the image up making it a pretty easy process once you get used to using ImageReady.<br />
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You can make a graphic design so it displays well in high and low res windows, but its much easier to just design for a static resolution, like 800 x 600, which will still look OK in higher resolutions if done well.<br />
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It does not matter what your monitor resolution is set at when you create the design in PhotoShop. Create a new image and set the dimensions of the new image to 800 x 600 then draw in the image. Export it to ImageReady when you like how it looks and try slicing it. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Hi Kevin<br />
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Does PhotoShop 5 have ImageReady???<!--content-->Hi Kieto,<br />
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I'm not sure, check in the Adobe folder where PhotoShop is installed or open PhotoShop and click on FILE in the top tool bar and see if its there under JUMP TO.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Kieto-<br />
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Not sure on Photshop 5, but I know for a fact that Photoshop 5.5 DOES have Image Ready. Thats how I got my hands on it. :)<br />
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If I recall, when I installed 5.5 it automatically installed Image Ready as well. Quickest way I know to check(providing your running Windows... if your not then I haven't a clue!) is to go to Start ---->Programs ---->Adobe<br />
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It should show a lovely drop down menu that (at least for me)shows Image Ready.<br />
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Hope this helps. :)<!--content-->Thanks for your replies.<br />
Unfortnately I don't have ImageReady. That's something I'm gonna have to look into right now. I'm kinda pressing for time so I'll just go with a simple design, then figure out cropping my images later. Thanks again.<!--content-->one way to do it w/o slicing...<br />
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use the template as the page background. Then use a table layout, and with the help of a transparent gif, you can get things in the right place.<br />
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better if your comfortible with lots of hand coding, and if the content is pretty stable.<!--content-->If you Download <!--more--> the free 30 day trial version of Paint Shop Pro at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> in the products area they have an image slicer built into the program too. Once you've Download <!--more-->ed and opened up PSP (Paint Shop Pro) then go to "file" then "export" then "image slicer" and use the "grid" comand to have it slice ok. Good luck with making your site :)<!--content-->