How do I do this?!


Well take a look at this first:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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That pic is an example of what I want to do... You see the main box where the content will be and where it will load when a link is clicked. What I want to know is how do you make it like this without using frames or IFrames (I heard that IFrame dosent work in NS). I heard that what I want to do can be done with with Java.. But i'm not sure.. I want to be able to load each page into that box and have a scroll for goin up and down...<br />
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Can anyone help me?<br />
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Any link to Tut's or info would be awesome.<br />
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Thanks a million<br />
DD<br />
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PS. That pic took like 5 mins.. I just wanted to show you what i'm taling about ;-)<!--content-->I really dislike frames :D ! Anyways, I really have no idea how to do it in java or anything like that, though I am positive that you can do it if Flash. :D ! It would be very easy to do in flash. And I could incorporate frames with it, though they suck ;) !<!--content-->Humm So you think Flash hey...<br />
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Any other way you would do it?<!--content-->I think this can be done with Java. If Scoutt of Dr. Web happen to stumble on this thread, they can tell you for sure.<!--content-->I hope so too ;-)<br />
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Thanks for the reply.<br />
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DD<!--content-->You could do it with frames relly nicely. There is nothing wrong with frames, they just don't look the best. I would recomment using frames, personally. Yes, I mean regular frames. The only difference would be that the content box would be a little wider. You could always do one in normal frames and the other in IFrames and have a JavaScript send IE users to the IFrame site and the NS users to the normal framed one.<br />
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Good Luck!<!--content-->this dhtml script is just what you need...<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I still hate frames :D ! So unprofessional. :D !<!--content-->the DHTML is layers, not frames.<!--content-->