How do I do a web page icon (in the address bar and at the top left hand corner)


Staff member
Hi,<br />
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I hope this is the right place to ask this question. How on earth do I do that "icon" that you see replacing the Internet Explorer icon on the left hand side of the address bar and at the top left hand corner of the window?<br />
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Is there a specific name for it? I'm pretty sure it's html scripting and if so, would somebody be so kind as to give me a copy of that scripting or give me a link to a tutorial for me to learn how to do it.<br />
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Thanks heaps in advance!<br />
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Blastbum :cool:<!--content-->It's called a favicon - if you do a search on the forum you'll find lots of info, or visit <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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cheers<br />
dave<!--content-->Thanks mate!!!!<!--content-->