How do I do a special numbered list?


I would like to know how to start a nubered list at #2 instead of #1? Is this possible?<br />
<br />
example<br />
<br />
2. link<br />
3. link<br />
<br />
etc<br />
<br />
Thanks a million<br />
<br />
Erik<!--content-->Hi Erik<br />
<br />
If you produce such a list you already know the <OL>-Tag, the only thing you have to do now is to enter the value with which you want to start in the first <li>-statement:<br />
<br />
<ol><br />
<li value=2>first topic</li><br />
<li>second topic</li><br />
</ol><br />
<br />
This creates a list starting with #2.<br />
<br />
Note: this can also be done with letters and roman-numbers (specify with type=x, x=a for small letters, A=big letters, I= big latin numbers, i=small latin numbers, 1=arabic numbers=standard)<br />
<br />
Important: If you want to that wiht roman numbers or letters the value has also to be specified in arabic numbers:<br />
<br />
Examples:<br />
<br />
<ol type=I><br />
<li value=2>first topic</li><br />
<li>second topic</li><br />
</ol><br />
<br />
<ol type=A><br />
<li value=2>first topic</li><br />
<li>second topic</li><br />
</ol><br />
<br />
regards - Markus<!--content-->