How do I display a secondary category menu in Magento?


New Member
I'm working with displaying a menu on I found the phtml file that displays the menu and found this code in there:\[code\]<?php $_menu = $this->renderCategoriesMenuHtml(0,'level-top') ?><?php if($_menu): ?><div class="nav-container"><div class="block-title"><strong>Shop By Categories</strong></div> <ul id="nav"><?php echo $_menu ?></ul></div><?php endif ?>\[/code\]So, just playing around with the code, I decided to do the same thing and add '1' there for my second menu, guessing that maybe it might work:\[code\]<?php $_menu = $this->renderCategoriesMenuHtml(1,'level-top') ?><?php if($_menu): ?><div class="nav-container"> <div class="block-title"><strong>Shop by Brand</strong></div> <ul id="nav"><?php echo $_menu ?></ul></div><?php endif ?>\[/code\]As you can see on the site, it displays a second menu like I want, but apparently the '1' doesn't correspond to my second root category, it's something else, and the main category is duplicated underneath the 'shop by brand' area.In the backend I have two main categories - one is called "Categories" and the other is called "Brands." Since the first is displaying correctly, does anybody know what snippet of code I need to use to make the 'shop by brands' menu on the home page display my 'brands' category instead of duplicate the first category?