Hi,<BR><BR>I want to create a "Back" button on an asp.net page, and assume that the way to do this is to use the http referer. However I am more than a bit baffled by the SDK documentation on the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse classes, and can't work it out myself. <BR><BR>Can anyone give me some simple VB.NET code to do this, including whatever namespaces would have to be imported?<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR><BR>JONJon - you could always do this client side using javascript:<BR><BR><a HREF="javascript:history.back()">Go Back</a><BR>Hi,<BR><BR>Yes, that's true, the client side script would also work fine. <BR><BR>I was wondering how I would do it server side in an <asp:Button> tag. Although, on reflection, there's probably no need to do it server side, out of curiousity I'd still like to know how it could be done. Any ideas?<BR><BR>JONYou are not able to that of security reasons. If people could see what you have visited, suddenly the internet is like big brother watching you!