How do I create a shadow background for a table?


I want to create a shadow background for a table.<br />
Like on Zeldman's website: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. />
I'm confused on what the best way to create the background image would be??<br />
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I want to have a shadow go around all of the table.<br />
I suppose I could do it with a massive graphic - but I assume this would be the wrong thing to do?<br />
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Any help would be appreciated.<br />
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Thanks.<br />
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Jam<!--content-->one way to achieve this is create a small gif picture of the shadow, then set the graphic as background with repeat.<!--content-->Well, for a good shadow affect, that probably wouldn't work. I don't see the table on zeldman of which you speak, but perhaps this articel from AListApart will help you.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->If you right click and "view background image" you will see how it is done.<br />
It is a small multi-color image accross the top of the page that repeats over the entire background of the page. <br />
You can't copy it or save it, atleast I couldn't, but you can see it. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
You can print screen though.<!--content-->