How do I copy my project to the development server


New Member
Hi-<BR><BR>I'm currently creating my web project on my local WIN2K machine. I created a page called test.aspx (just to get up and running) with a simple db conn, pull in data and populate a dropdown. This works fine on my machine and I am ready to push it onto our test server.<BR><BR>I dropped into onto the test server, but it doesn't run correctly. I am assuming this is because it hasn't been compiled/built.<BR><BR>I noticed the only files different from test that are on my machine, are a .DLL in the /bin folder, as well as a .PDB in the /bin folder.<BR><BR>I assume these are needed on the test server to run properly, however when I try and copy them over. Error: Files in use.<BR><BR>Am I way off base on how to move from local machine to a new inet server, or am I on the right track and just need some help. Thanks a lot.You need the contents of bin. You do not need the pdb file. Make sure you are not running the app when you try to copy the DLLs. If it still errors, stop IIS and then copy.