How do I convert HTML percent-encoding to Unicode, with XSLT?


New Member
There are tons of entries and answers online about this, but they're all going the opposite direction of what I need. From my iTunes XML, I have thousands of percent-encoded entries, in multiple languages, that I'm trying to convert, with an XSLT stylesheet, to Unicode text. Is there any function or process that I'm missing, other than tracking down every single character and doing a replace? Here is a small sample of some examples of the variety that I'm working with, the first line is the XML string value, the following line is the basic text that I'm trying to generate, and output to a text file.\[code\]<string>/iTunes/iTunes%20Music/Droit%20devant/L'odysse%CC%81e.mp3</string>\[/code\]/iTunes/iTunes Music/Droit devant/L'odyss