How Do I Change Thread Editor Window Size?


New Member
Hi all,

I would like to make the basic window for editing larger (increase size) what is it in default. I know that this is a kinda n00b question, but I just can't find the place. Could someone help me a bit? Thanks.
540 px is standard how much bigger do you want it? This is a fix from someone else I found on vbulletin....go to admincp > styles & templates > style manager > style > edit stylvar > message width change it here and see if that does anything..if not you will have to edit some templates with your desired size.

At least double or triple what is the default value. It's really frustrating to edit thread which has a lot's of pictures or they are really big size. Actually what I tried to do is change the height not width. Apologies, my bad explanation what I'm trying to in here. Just in curiosity I changed that width setting , but it didn't change anything.