How do I change the color in my frame?


Staff member
I was told that when you are working with frames you don't use a <body> tag(I also tried it anyways and it didn't work), so how do I change the color in my frame?<!--content-->that is true to a point. you use an index with your frame information in it and then the page that loads up in the frame you can use the body tag.<br />
it that what you are looking for?<!--content-->Frames come in two parts: 1)the <frameset> document, which substitutes <frameset></frameset> tags for <body></body> - with the individual frames specified in between (<frame src="...etc.>) and 2) the actual html file that is loaded in each frame, which is just a plain old web page, <body> and all. You set/change its bgcolor the usual ways.<br />
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You can load another <frameset> document inside a <frame>, however, and nest new frames in there.<br />
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