how do i change the admin password


New Member
how do i change the admin password through the net2ftp (File Manger) in my Cpanel

someone hacked my password and now i cant get it back
please help me
What can't you through ftp, cPanel, vB adminCP?

If you can't access anything contact your host and tell them what has happened and they will change it for you aswell as look in to how you may have been hacked.
I can still access the Ftp and the Cpanel
is there a way i can add a new admin in te config.php

if yes can you explain me how to do it
I think there is a way through tools.php which comes with your do not upload package so upload it and try running it in your browser.. there is a way through that but contacting your host is the best way as you may know how your account was hacked..

chakru said:
I think there is a way through tools.php which comes with your do not upload package so upload it and try running it in your browser.. there is a way through that but contacting your host is the best way as you may know how your account was hacked..


can you give me the link please
-In your vbulletin istallation package, there is a folder called "do_not_upload", in which you wll find a file called tools.php.

-FTP this file to your forums admincp folder.

-Run this file from your browser by going to h**p://

-Go to the MYSQL section and select the "Reset Admin Access" option.

Piece of advise: if this hack was done by someone who was a stranger to you, you may want to consider renaming your admincp and modcp folders (with the corresponding changes in config.php) and password protecting your admincp folder via .htaccess when you get back up and running. If it was done by someone to whom you gave access ... well, you already know what you have to do.