How do I change scrollbarcolor (on a html page)


I need to know how to change scroollbarcolor. Buttons are easy but, I have no idea of how i can change collor on scrollbars.<br />
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Please mail me on <br />
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><br />
if you know or just post a reply<!--content-->Can only be done in IE 5.5 using styles. See:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ollbar.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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BTW when I see site doing this I automatically classify the site as lame. :barf:<!--content-->It can look quite gimmicky but I have seen the odd site where it does look good as long as it fits in with the whole layout and color scheme. Don't just use it for the sake of it though, only if it really improves the appearance of your site.<!--content-->Yea I know it has to fit the layout, I wanted the srollbar to fit the color of my page.<!--content-->Originally posted by No_Brain <br />
Yea I know it has to fit the layout, I wanted the srollbar to fit the color of my page. Also, remember that it can ONLY be viewed in IE 5.5, so not many users might see it.<!--content-->hey, sup ... here's a bit of html to change how ur scrollbar will look.<br />
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<style type="text/css"><!--<br />
BODY { <br />
--></STYLE><!--content-->Ok since you are bugging me with these scrollbar stuff is sent you my page. See for your self. I think it is kinda good.<!--content-->