I am trying to set up a SOAP service in php.I declared a server php function and I am able to call that function with a SOAP type http request where the content is my SOAP envelope.The XML content of the SOAP body is the argument of the function I assume, but I don't know how to access the information in it in my php code.I noticed that the function argument is an instance of \[code\]stdClass\[/code\] by default, and I actually wonder why it is not casted on an \[code\]XML\[/code\] or \[code\]DOM\[/code\] object by php - it's a SOAP call isn't it?But all right, now it's up to me to get the information out of the object, which is not easy because there's no methods assigned to \[code\]stdClass\[/code\], so it'll have to be standard php functions.So I tried \[code\]serialize\[/code\], but this gave me some rubbish, not the XML string I expected.What to do?