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I have a fluid layout using Twitter's bootstrap, wherein I have a row with two columns. The first column has a lot of content, which I want to fill the span normally. The second column just has a button and some text, which I want to bottom align relative to the cell in the first column. Here's what I have:\[code\]-row-fluid-------------------------------------+-span6----------+ +-span6----------+| | |short content || content | +----------------+| that | | is tall | | |+----------------+-----------------------------------------------\[/code\]Here's what I want:\[code\]-row-fluid-------------------------------------+-span6----------+| || content || that | | is tall | +-span6----------+ | | |short content |+----------------+ +----------------+-----------------------------------------------\[/code\]I've seen solutions that make the first span an absolute height, and position the second span relative to it, but a solution where I didn't have to specify the absolute height of my divs would be preferred. I'm also open to a complete rethink of how to achieve the same effect. I'm not married to this use of the scaffolding, it just seemed to make the most sense to me.This layout as a fiddle:http://jsfiddle.net/ryansturmer/A7buv/3/