How do I add music file to listen to on my site?


I want to add music files to my site so people can listen and Download <!--more--> them. <br />
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What code or what do I need to do to be able to do this? <br />
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Please, HELP! <br />
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Thanx<!--content-->Come on plz. sum one must be able to tell me or at least point me in a direction (some where to look)?<!--content-->well if you want people to be able to Download <!--more--> them, just put the link to the file.<br />
if your site is called THECHARM.COM, then just put a link:<br />
<a href="">MUSIC FILE</a><br />
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this makes music play when the page loads up (put it in the head)<br />
<bgsound src="MUSICFILE.wav" loop=3><br />
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to embed the music within the page, and have a little pause/play button etc actually embeded within the page put this code;<br />
<EMBED src="" width="144" height="60"<br />
autostart="false" loop="false" hidden="false"> <br />
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are any of these things what you mean?<!--content-->But we have said this in many other threads, music is not usually a good idea. It kills bandwidth, load times, generally sounds bad, interfears with winamp (Some of us surf with winamp on... believe it or not) and it is just a mark of an amateur designer and people tend to take sites with music on them a little bit less seriously.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
But we have said this in many other threads, music is not usually a good idea. It kills bandwidth, load times, generally sounds bad, interfears with winamp (Some of us surf with winamp on... believe it or not) and it is just a mark of an amateur designer and people tend to take sites with music on them a little bit less seriously. aye, tis all too true. imo you should only have the ftp link if you actually have to. music playing in the background is 99% of the time absolutely unadvisable.<!--content-->