I have the following kind of data returned to me in xml format (many rooms are returned; this is one example of the data I get back):\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rooms> <total-results>1</total-results> <items-per-page>1</items-per-page> <start-index>0</start-index> <room> <id>xxxxxxxx</id> <etag>5</etag> <link rel="http://schemas.com.mysite.building" title="building" href="https://mysite.me.myschool.edu:8443/ess/scheduleapi/v1/buildings/yyyyyyyyy"/> <name>1.306</name> <status>active</status> <link rel="self" title="self" href="https://mysite.me.myschool.edu:8443/ess/scheduleapi/v1/rooms/aaaaaaaaa"> </room></rooms>\[/code\]If nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE, I seem to be able to access the data (so I can see that I have room 1.306). Also, I seem to be able to access the nodeName link, but I really need to know if that room is in one of my acceptable buildings, so I need to be able to get to the rest of that line to look at the yyyyyyyyy. Can someone please advise?