How do I access the Amazon-checkout API using Classic ASP? [closed]

Great Ninja

New Member
Has anybody managed to use Amazon Checkout with Classic ASP. The sample code from Amazon is in 4 languages, but not Classic ASP.Any pointers on how to get started with this would be much appreciated.I have a very very little knowledge of .NET, and it looks like I will need to do some part of it in .NET and create a dll to talk to it from Classic ASP.Please somebody, point me in the right direction and please don't point me to commercial stuff as that is not an option.Things I have considered so far
  • Taking the existing C# code supplied by amazon and wrapping it in a dll.
Problem with that is that the existing code relies on context which is not available as a dllIt seems my question isn't a real question - I can asure you it is very real - I need help with this, this isn't a pretend question :-)So I will rephrase it:How do I access the Amazon-checkout API using classic asp?I'm currently in the middle of taking the ASP.NET code that amazon provide and trying to get that running on its own on our Classic ASP site, and hoping I can call the API from ASP by some server side http request to the .net pages. It's currently complaining about the version value (1). I suspect there is an amazon specific version number that I need to put in.Right things I have discovered:
  • version number is currently "2010-08-31"
  • weight unit must be either Kg or Lb
Still don't know if this is going to solve my problem or not yet.