How do I access data in a nested data structure from XML::Simple?


New Member
I have to write a Perl script to convert an XML file into a CSV file. I've already written something simple in one context, and need to enhance it for a different dataset, and can't quite figure out what to do.I'm using XML::Simple.Here is one record of the data:\[code\]<custom-objects xmlns=""> <custom-object type-id="emailBackInStockHistory" object-id="bczCAiaag0APcaaacLsvpJRmzW"> <object-attribute attribute-id="email">[email protected]</object-attribute> <object-attribute attribute-id="emailSentAt">2010-04-10T09:00:01.000+0000</object-attribute> <object-attribute attribute-id="productID">someprodid</object-attribute> <object-attribute attribute-id="requestedAt">2010-04-09T10:07:54.000+0000</object-attribute> <object-attribute attribute-id="siteID">someSITEid</object-attribute> </custom-object></custom-objects>\[/code\]Using the Data::Dumper module I see that the data is parsed as this:\[code\]'custom-object' => [ { 'type-id' => 'emailBackInStockHistory', 'object-id' => 'bczCAiaag0APcaaacLsvpJRmzW', 'object-attribute' => [ { 'attribute-id' => 'email', 'content' => '[email protected]' }, { 'attribute-id' => 'emailSentAt', 'content' => '2010-04-10T09:00:01.000+0000' }, { 'attribute-id' => 'productID', 'content' => 'someprodid' }, { 'attribute-id' => 'requestedAt', 'content' => '2010-04-09T10:07:54.000+0000' }, { 'attribute-id' => 'siteID', 'content' => 'someSITEid' } ] },\[/code\]Here is some code that I've tried to use to perform this export:\[code\]foreach $o (@{$data->{'custom-object'}}) { print $o->{'type-id'}, ","; print $o->{'object-id'}, ","; print $o->{'custom-object'}->{'object-attribute'}->{'email'}, ","; print "\n";\[/code\]The \[code\]type-id\[/code\] and \[code\]object-id\[/code\] attributes get output properly, but I can't figure out how to print the data from the \[code\]object-attribute\[/code\] reference.