How Do Forms Work?


I guess I am going to sound pretty stupid asking this since I already have a web page and all but...<br />
I really have no idea how to make forms work or even how they work. I know all of the buttons and textarea boxes and such but I have no clue at how to make the whole thing work. I think my main problem is that I need to know how something works before I can use it otherwise it gets really hard to figure out. So if anyone knows of a good site that is like just about forms or just have a good form section or could just explain it to me simply, I would much appreciate it.<br />
Thanks :D<!--content-->A basic form tutorial - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Learn some programing language like Perl or PHP if your gona use forms for advanced functions like registration or for logins using passwords.<!--content-->