How do backlinks work and how can I get them with my unique situation?


New Member
1st, are backlinks just links to your website?
2nd, my site is kinda unique in terms of backlinks :

Check it out before you answer this and youll understand my situation: How do I get backlinks with my site? The only productive way Ive found is plain out asking blogs that are just like mine to link to me.

3rd, some of these blogs want me to link back to them. If I do, even for a split second, is the rep/backlink I earned dead? I post a comment on a blog with a backlink to my blog. I gain some of that blog's PR and Alexa rank as juice for linking back to me. If I do this for about 20-30 blogs a day, this will raise my PR and Alexa rank over time.

That's the power of backlinks Put your link in video game directories. Quote: Originally Posted by watex 1st, are backlinks just links to your website? Yes, basically.
Quote: Originally Posted by watex How do I get backlinks with my site? The only productive way Ive found is plain out asking blogs that are just like mine to link to me. That's one good way because they are related to your topic.

Hang out in social networks/forums where your target audience hang out. Through discussion (instead of marketing) people will take an interest in your blog.

Do you use a ping service to ping blog directories where your target audience read up on latest blog posts? e.g. Pingomatic
Quote: Originally Posted by watex 3rd, some of these blogs want me to link back to them. If I do, even for a split second, is the rep/backlink I earned dead? Some recipricating links is ok but don't just do those. The search engines will figure out you are swapping links. It's much better to get 1 way links - where someone links to you without a link back. If you post on the blog of dofollow you will get the link and alexa juice, or you will get nothing except traffic! Quote: Originally Posted by watex 1st, are backlinks just links to your website?
2nd, my site is kinda unique in terms of backlinks :

Check it out before you answer this and youll understand my situation: How do I get backlinks with my site? The only productive way Ive found is plain out asking blogs that are just like mine to link to me.

3rd, some of these blogs want me to link back to them. If I do, even for a split second, is the rep/backlink I earned dead? Baclinks can increase your site ranking and pr. The more backlinks you have on your site, the better. linyzou: I didnt understand your post. Can some1 explain?

every1 else: so is there more weight put on it if they link in a post, blogroll, or if it's in a comment? and does it count if, like in WP blogs, it will say: 'comment made by watex' and if you click watex, it goes to your site.

and I dont think my audience reads blog directories or if there's one that fits my category well There are loads of ways to get links and your site is no different to any other out there. I answered your keyword targeting question in another thread.

To answer this one. My company received a review copy of The LinkBuilders Bible 2010 the other day, and having never heard of it, I read it cover to cover. As someone with ten years experience in the SEO industry I can honestly say it is astonishing. If you need to learn about how to get loads of backlinks, its worth looking at. Join in a social networking site like twitter, facebook and stumble. Submit your article and latest product by doing a social bookmarking submission, it can help you to have a good backlink plus a traffic. If your website is unique, you have to do something else aside from just creating backlinks. Try putting up a video on Youtube etc. Get bakc links from site related to your niche.....And then see the magic If you actually have useful content, other relevant blogs should WANT to link to you. So the ultimate key here is good content. If i often submit my post on to the social bookmark sites, will they ban that? Backlinks are the links to your sites, and of course back links of the SEO. you can build back link via, forums, directory submission, article marketing, blog commenting and so on.