How disable the right click and print options


New Member
Can anyone help me? I need to be able to disable the print options from the menu and disable the right click. I tried pasting the disable the right click in the XML file but I keep getting a error. This is for an online class. We are using the Blackboard 6.0 and the students will open up a test, print it out, look up the answers and then claim their browsers froze up. Then they will email us and expect the instructors to reset their tests.

Here's the XML file:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<manifest identifier='man01'>
<organization default='toc01'>
<tableofcontents identifier='toc01'/>
<resource baseurl='res00000' identifier='res00000' type='assessment/x-bb-pool' file='res00000.dat'/>

I would post the .dat file but it's too large. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. I'm about to pull my hair out, what's left of it. Thanks in advance.