How could you work with Null value returned from d


New Member
Hi There,<BR><BR>I have a small problem to get my first ASP.NET project to work.<BR>Back in my old day i used<BR><BR>If Not Isnull(RS("FName")) then<BR> do this...<BR>Else<BR> do that...<BR>End If <BR><BR>Now with ASP.NET I get compile error when i try to use Isnull(). <BR><BR>ThanksblnMyCheck = IsDBNull(<your db value>)<BR><BR>If blnMyCheck = True Then<BR> ' do this<BR>Else<BR> ' do that<BR>End IfThank you very much, i didn't know that it will be that simple<BR>and it work!<BR><BR>You could as use <BR><BR>test=container.Dataitem(BD value) is Nothing