Hi,<BR><BR>I'm Trying to combine various ListBox in this Way:<BR><BR>At the star (When this page loads)you see 1 ListBox and there's another 5 listBox with visible propertie set to false, and when you select an item of the first listBox, the second listBox is visible according to the selected item. Finally you press the submit button and it send the String variable to another page, but this is not a problem, my problem is just to get the second ListBox which I'm not able to see.<BR><BR>I had Star with a simple example just too see if the OnSelectedIndexChanged event works with the first ListBox, but it just don't do what I want which is to put on a label a Text according to the selected item... You can see it in the following code:<BR><BR><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><BR><%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="True"%><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %><BR><script runat="server"><BR><BR>'THE CODE ABOVE IS JUST TO SEE IF THE OnSelectedIndexChange EVENT OF THE LISTBOX WORKS..<BR><BR> sub jumpy (obj as Object, e As System.EventArgs)<BR> Dim miItem as String<BR> miItem=Principal.SelectedIndex<BR> select case (miItem)<BR> case (0)<BR> mensaje.text=mensaje.text+ "You choose First Option"<BR> case (1)<BR> mensaje.text=mensaje.text+"You choose Second Option"<BR> case else<BR> mensaje.text=mensaje.text+ "You choose Other Option" <BR> end select <BR> End Sub <BR><BR></script><BR><BR><html><BR><head><BR> <title>List Box Example.</title><BR></head><BR><body bgcolor="#FFFFCC" text="#3300FF" link="#CC0066" vlink="#CC0033" alink="#FF0000"><BR><BR>'THIS IS THE LABEL WHICH I'M TESTING<BR><asp:Label id="mensaje" runat="server"/><BR><BR><BR><form action="regreso.aspx" id="Form1" runat="server" method="post"><BR><center><BR><h1> <u>Select an Item. New ListBox Will appear.</u> </h1><BR><BR> <asp:ListBox id="MyListBox1" Width="170px" Height="111px" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChange="jumpy"><BR> <asp:ListItem>Italy.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>Germany.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>EEUU.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>England.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>Spain.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>Brazil.</asp:ListItem><BR> </asp:ListBox><BR> <asp:ListBox id="Box0" Width="170px" Height="111px" runat="server" visible="false"><BR> <asp:ListItem>Venezia.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>Milan.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>Roma.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>Palermo.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>Sicilia.</asp:ListItem><BR> <asp:ListItem>Pissa.</asp:ListItem><BR> </asp:ListBox><BR><BR>'OTHER LISTBOXES WITH NAMES OF CITIES HERE, AND WITH IT VISIBLE PROPERTIE SET TO FALSE...<BR> <BR></center><BR><center><asp:Button id="btnSubmit" runat="server" text="Seleccionar" /></center><BR><BR></form><BR><BR></body><BR></html><BR><BR>------------------<BR><BR>This code don't returns any errors, but the Label Text Never get Changed... <BR><BR><BR>Could you Help me??<BR><BR>Any Ideas?<BR><BR>Thanks a Lot in Advance!!<BR><BR>From Spain,<BR><BR>Salvador Gallego.<BR>Just deleting action="regreso.aspx" And method="post" in the Form Tag and adding: <%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing" %><BR><BR>Redgars,<BR><BR>Salvador Gallego.