How can people see my cyrillic font?


Hi,<br /><br />I have been designing a website for a friend who wanted a version of the website in English, Serbian and Russian.<br /><br />I have successfully installed a cyrillic (russian) font, and when I view the website and the Russian google (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) the cyrillic font is shown perfectly. However, my friend I'm making it for can see the font target="_blank"><br /><br />Thank you<!--content-->
You need to specify a character set so the browser knows to render text characters in the right way<br /><br /><br /><!--content-->
I think UTF-8 encoding covers Cyrillic letters.<br />Note that you have to set your editor to save your files in UTF-8 in addition to declaring your documents as UTF-8 encoding either in the HTTP header or a meta tag. Preferable in the HTTP header.<!--content-->
holla<br /><br />coolio,<br /><br />shall try this<!--content-->
Ok, I have given these gos, but have had no luck. It still comes up at jibberish.<br /><br />I looked at the page source of a russian webpage in which the Cyrillic font could be seen when I had it uninstalled and installed and it had Cyrillic phrases within the code!<br /><br />I think this is what I need to do, but does anyone know how?<br /><br />Or any other suggestions would be great?!<br /><br />Ed<br /><br />I have an example of this code attached<!--content-->
It's all about the character encoding you use. The site you refers to uses Windows-1251 encoding. However, it's recommended that you use a Unicode encoding instead. <br /><br />What do you use to code your pages?<br /><br />Click to view attachment<br />This is how you choose the encoding in Notepad.<br /><br /><br />Then you need to declare what encoding you use so the browsers will know.<br /><br />Sometimes your host let you set the encoding declaration from your control panel.<br /><br />If not you need to specify it manually.<br />If you have PHP you do:<br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />You can use a META tag:<br /><!--html--><div class='htmltop'>HTML</div><div class='htmlmain'><!--html1--><<span style='color:blue'>meta</span> http-equiv="<span style='color:eek:range'>Content-Type</span>" content="<span style='color:eek:range'>text/html; charset=utf-8</span>"><!--html2--></div><!--html3--><br /><br /><br />Just remember that you <i>have</i> to save the document in the correct encoding. Quite often I see people just add a metatag instead and think that's enough, while the meta tag is just a label.<!--content-->