How Can I Transfer vBulletin to Different Host?


New Member
Okay, my friend was hosting the forum and the database, but I just bought a domain and I have to cloak the domain so it just stays at and it doesn't show the /blabla/index.php etc. So I just went into the ftp and grabbed all the files and put them into my new host on 000webhost, but when I go to my site I get that world famous "Database Error" page. Is there anything I can do without having to get the files? I already changed my /includes/config.php file to the all the new settings.

Help :(

Also, do I NEED the db files from previous host to get my posts all back?

Thanks a lot :)
Import your database from PHMYAdmin through your new host and edit your config.php with the new infos.
Cyanide said:
Also, do I NEED the db files from previous host to get my posts all back?
Well, the posts are held in the database, so yes.

You get the database error because you're basically trying to run VB on your new host but with no database installed. The files you transferred are just half of the software; you need the database too.

You need to transfer your database across. You can do this by backing up your database on your old server, downloading it to your harddrive, and uploading it on your new server.

This can be done through vBulletin.