How can i teach myself Java on a mac?


New Member
Firstly, i have no previous knowledge of computer languages (unless you count HTML), but i wanted to teach myself Java over the summer (as a prep for university)....<br />
... now im running on a PowerBook G4 Mac OS X 10.4.10, so i have a few questions<br />
1. what software do i need?<br />
2. what would the equivolent of DOS be on a mac (emacs? Apple Script?)<br />
3. Any good links to sites that have tutorials that are either directed for macs, or can somewhat easily be altered to suit a mac<br />
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now i bought myself a book on how teaching yourself Java (it was cheap), but its directed at windows, and i'm kind of uncertain on (mainly) what DOS would be on a mac....<br />
..oh yes and i have JavaBeans, if that helps =P<br />
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...thanks people ^^<br />


New Member
To answer your second question, there is no specific equivalent to DOS. The closest thing you'll find is OS 10.4's Terminal window, which allows you access to the UNIX like underpinning of the operating system. It's command line in nature and requires a firm understanding of the basic UNIX commands.

A lot of basic tools like text editors and utilities are also accessible via Terminal. You'll find this in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder (at the bottom of the window).

If you got the installer disk set with your Mac, you'll have a full developers environment (including some powerful Java development tools for OS X) on the installer disk.

It's called XCode 2 for Tiger. It's free.
Any Java tutorial that discusses Java from a Unix Point of view is appropriate - OS X is Unix under the hood.

If you run Terminal you will get to the unix prompt, and can run unix commands.

Some of your DOS commands may work, but most won't

You cannot install Java from - Java for Mac is made by Apple, not Sun and comes with the OS.

That said, you might need the second CD in the Tiger set, its the one with the developer tools on it - thats where XCode is (Not sure if hte JDK is already installed, or comes with the Developer tools)

You are probably best installing Eclipse from to learn Java - that way you won't need to go near the prompt.

Eclipse is a Java IDE.