How can I submit checkbox value with xmlhttp in Excel VBA?


New Member
How can I submit the value of a checkbox (that is in a form on a web page) with xmlhttp in Excel VBA? What would the value part look like of the name/value pair? This is for screen scraping.\[code\]Dim xmlhttp As Object, result As String, html As ObjectSet xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")xmlhttp.Open "POST", "", Falsexmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"xmlhttp.send "cart_delete[]=314"\[/code\]The item was already added to the cart with a different xml form post like this one. I got the item price from that code. This code should remove the item from the cart. But it doesn't do anything. cart_delete is a checkbox.