how can i remove this Error ????

na it's not that is just you ran out of memory seems like the image you're trying to upload is a bigger than the limits that your host has in your account, tell me that happens with every image?i mean have you tried uploading a image lighter that the one in the example?
first don't bump your thread before 24 hours and next after i searched on i founded the same error as you have this is what the staff members of vb have answered:

Your PHP does not have enough memory allocated to it to complete this operation. Ask your host to increase the 'memory_limit' variable in php.ini to at least 32M.

To temporarily up your limits edit your includes/config.php file and add these lines right under the <?php line:

ini_set('memory_limit', 32 * 1024 * 1024)
bossisback if your trying to load the vistagoogle theme you should have read where I said it takes alot of resources and did not recommend the theme but ported by request. The flash on there is intensive.