How can I reduce file size??


Staff member
Hey guys.<br />
I have a website at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> that I'm having a problem with.<br />
The site is all set and all but I'm afraid it simply takes too long to load(especially if using a dial up such as my friends 28.8k modem).<br />
The top image was created in macromedia fireworks and I think that is what is creating the long Download <!--more--> times. What can I do to reduce image sizes and speed up Download <!--more--> times? I mean, many sites use images throughout their page layout including the background. What am I doing wrong or is there a good tutorial on creating "dial up modem friendly" web graphics?<br />
Thanks.<br />
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-Goalie35<!--content-->well they use small images. the combination of your top images is only 61.6Kb, which is not that bad.<br />
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the compression is the key. you want high compression so it makes them smaller in size. I just redid those images and made them a lot smaller. try this and se if it makes a difference.<br />
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if you have any questinos on what I used it is called IrFanview. great free little program<!--content-->Hey scoutt,<br />
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Is your keyboard playing up or are your pinkies having a 'bad week' :D <br />
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coothead<!--content-->hehe thanks coot, it is my keyboard, yeah that's it, my keyboard. :P<br />
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I try to get most of it but miss a few. also my thumb has a mind of its own.<!--content-->Hi there Goalie35,<br />
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Get Irfanview (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) :cool:<br />
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coothead<!--content-->What kind of settings do you use in irfanview? I have the program, but never tried using it to compress images. Could you just give a quick rundown on what works when?<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->yeah, you open the jpg image and you save it. that is all. no settings to be made. it is all internal.<!--content-->hmm...seemed to save me a couple k per pic on about 50% of my jpgs, but didn't do so good on gifs.<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->jpegs have more compression than gifs. gifs are not very optimized for the net, jpegs are.<!--content-->