How can I mod formmail so that the error page still sends and email and redirects?


New Member
So far it submits the email but no matter what I do it will not redirect (server errors) and I need to redirect it to a custom error page.How would I modify this to make it work?Original code:\[code\]# If any error fields have been found, send error message to the user. # if (@error) { &error('missing_fields', @error) }\[/code\]new code:\[code\] if (@error) { # Print HTTP header and opening HTML tags. # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<html>\n <head>\n"; # Print out title of page # if ($Config{'title'}) { print "<title>$safeConfig{'title'}</title>\n" } else { print "<title>Thank You</title>\n" } print " </head>\n <body"; # Get Body Tag Attributes # &body_attributes; # Close Body Tag # print ">\n <center>\n"; # Print custom or generic title. # if ($Config{'title'}) { print "<h1>$safeConfig{'title'}</h1>\n" } else { print "<h1>Thank You For Filling Out This Form</h1>\n" } print "</center>\n"; print "Below is what you submitted to $safeConfig{'recipient'} on "; print "$date<p><hr size=1 width=75\%><p>\n"; # If a sort order is specified, sort the form fields based on that. # if ($Config{'sort'} =~ /^order:.*,.*/) { # Set the temporary $sort_order variable to the sorting order, # # remove extraneous line breaks and spaces, remove the order: # # directive and split the sort fields into an array. # $sort_order = $Config{'sort'}; $sort_order =~ s/(\s+|\n)?,(\s+|\n)?/,/g; $sort_order =~ s/(\s+)?\n+(\s+)?//g; $sort_order =~ s/order://; @sorted_fields = split(/,/, $sort_order); # For each sorted field, if it has a value or the print blank # # fields option is turned on print the form field and value. # foreach $sorted_field (@sorted_fields) { local $sfname = &clean_html($sorted_field); if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$sorted_field} ne '') { print "<b>$sfname:</b> $Form{$sorted_field}<p>\n"; } } } # Otherwise, use the order the fields were sent, or alphabetic. # else { # Sort alphabetically if requested. if ($Config{'sort'} eq 'alphabetic') { @Field_Order = sort @Field_Order; } # For each form field, if it has a value or the print blank # # fields option is turned on print the form field and value. # foreach $field (@Field_Order) { local $fname = &clean_html($field); if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '') { print "<b>$fname:</b> $Form{$field}<p>\n"; } } } print "<p><hr size=1 width=75%><p>\n"; # Check for a Return Link and print one if found. # if ($Config{'return_link_url'} && $Config{'return_link_title'}) { print "<ul>\n"; print "<li><a href="$safeConfig{'return_link_url'}\">$safeConfig{'return_link_title'}</a>\n"; print "</ul>\n"; } # Print the page footer. # print <<"(END HTML FOOTER)"; <hr size=1 width=75%><p> <center><font size=-1><a href="">FormMail</a> V1.92 &copy; 1995 - 2002 Matt Wright<br>A Free Product of <a href="">Matt's Script Archive, Inc.</a></font></center> </body> </html>(END HTML FOOTER) }}sub send_mail { # Localize variables used in this subroutine. # local($print_config,$key,$sort_order,$sorted_field,$env_report); # Open The Mail Program open(MAIL,"|$mailprog 1>&2"); print MAIL "To: $Config{'recipient'}\n"; print MAIL "From: $Config{'email'} ($Config{'realname'})\n"; # Check for Message Subject if ($Config{'subject'}) { print MAIL "Subject: $Config{'subject'}\n\n" } else { print MAIL "Subject: WWW Form Submission\n\n" } print MAIL "Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by\n"; print MAIL "$Config{'realname'} ($Config{'email'}) on $date\n"; print MAIL "-" x 75 . "\n\n"; if (@Print_Config) { foreach $print_config (@Print_Config) { if ($Config{$print_config}) { print MAIL "$print_config: $Config{$print_config}\n\n"; } } } # If a sort order is specified, sort the form fields based on that. # if ($Config{'sort'} =~ /^order:.*,.*/) { # Remove extraneous line breaks and spaces, remove the order: # # directive and split the sort fields into an array. # local $sort_order = $Config{'sort'}; $sort_order =~ s/(\s+|\n)?,(\s+|\n)?/,/g; $sort_order =~ s/(\s+)?\n+(\s+)?//g; $sort_order =~ s/order://; @sorted_fields = split(/,/, $sort_order); # For each sorted field, if it has a value or the print blank # # fields option is turned on print the form field and value. # foreach $sorted_field (@sorted_fields) { if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$sorted_field} ne '') { print MAIL "$sorted_field: $Form{$sorted_field}\n\n"; } } } # Otherwise, print fields in order they were sent or alphabetically. # else { # Sort alphabetically if specified: # if ($Config{'sort'} eq 'alphabetic') { @Field_Order = sort @Field_Order; } # For each form field, if it has a value or the print blank # # fields option is turned on print the form field and value. # foreach $field (@Field_Order) { if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '') { print MAIL "$field: $Form{$field}\n\n"; } } } print MAIL "-" x 75 . "\n\n"; # Send any specified Environment Variables to recipient. # foreach $env_report (@Env_Report) { if ($ENV{$env_report}) { print MAIL "$env_report: $ENV{$env_report}\n"; } } close (MAIL);}sub return_html { # Local variables used in this subroutine initialized. # local($key,$sort_order,$sorted_field); # Now that we have finished using form values for any e-mail related # # reasons, we will convert all of the form fields and config values # # to remove any cross-site scripting security holes. # local($field); foreach $field (keys %Config) { $safeConfig{$field} = &clean_html($Config{$field}); } foreach $field (keys %Form) { $Form{$field} = &clean_html($Form{$field}); } # If redirect option is used, print the redirectional location header. # if ($Config{'redirect'}) { print "Location: $safeConfig{'redirect'}\n\n"; }\[/code\]